Pink Gerbera & Roses Bouquet

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6 Roses, 6 Pink Gerbera, Yellow Kogiku and Green Leaves Bouquet

Looking for the perfect way to show your loved ones you care?
Look no further than this stunning bouquet! This beautiful arrangement features 6 roses, 6 pink gerbera, yellow koku, and green leaves. It's the perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care.
Features & Benefits:
-Stunning arrangement of 6 roses, 6 pink gerbera, yellow kogiku, and green leaves.
-The perfect way to show your loved ones how much you care.
-Flowers are hand-picked and arranged by a professional florist.
-Delivered fresh and beautiful, guaranteed to please.
How it works:
1. Simply choose your bouquet and add it to your cart.
2. Enter the recipient's information and choose a delivery date.
3. Your bouquet will be hand-delivered by a professional florist on your chosen date.

Your purchase includes a complimentary greeting card message.

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